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30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 5 posted at 11:51 PM

Day 5: Five Places You Want To Visit

In between searching for the next episode of Teen Wolf, queuing up tweets and watching Rihanna pat her pussy at Radio 1's Hackney Weekend, I completely forgot that I had this blog and its 2 loyal followers waiting for me.

So here are the five places I would like to visit:

1. Zac Efron's pants
2. Niall Horan's pants
3. Matthew Hitt's pants
4. Colton Hayne's pants
5. Lady Gaga and Taylor Kinney's bedroom

I'm just kidding. I'm not THAT horny. In fact, I'm not horny at all. I'm a Virgo = I'm virgin pure. (◡‿◡✿)  Everyone knows that. I'm saving sex for marriage and will not have sex even if any of these names are naked in front of me.

Back to the actual blog topic. This one's rather hard as there are so many places I'd really like to go.

1. Germany 

Just bring me to Germany, any part of it. I find the German language very manly and I like manly. I've also heard about the German sausages. 

2. Hawaii

The sea, the beach & the culture. How can anyone not want to go to Hawaii? I'd very much love to have a 1 week stay there just to soak in brilliance of the Island Beach Paradise. I'm very much a fan of tribal cultures so yes, Hawaii's myths and legends completely does it for me. I decided to be cheesy and find a Hawaiian name translator. 

It turned out that my Hawaiian name is actually a female name. *blames mum and dad for giving a girly name* Apparently, the name meant "Moon Goddess". I think I can deal with that.  

3. Bali

Nearly the same reasons as Hawaii - the beach, the sea and the culture. Except that I really want to completely soak in the culture. I would very much like to witness the Balinese Kecak dance. 

People in Bali somehow seem to be a lot more free spirited as compared to the rest of Indonesia.  

4. Australia/New Zealand

I would very much like to someday move and raise a family in either Australia or New Zealand. I rarely hear bad things about these two countries and there's something about the green in pictures of Australia and New Zealand. New Zealand also have the Maoris so yes, that'll do for me. 

The last one is pretty hard. I couldn't decide between New York or London ;_; 

5. New York

Of course I'd choose New York. I want to go to New York because:

1. Lady Gaga is from New York
2. Broadway baby!
3. Times Square (I'd love to be a part of the crowd outside the former TRL studios)
4. Madison Square Garden (Gaga's better be doing a show there again)
5. Empire State Building

I'm pretty sure there are many other interesting things about New York that I don't know of, but hey isn't that the beauty of this day's challenge? I can now learn more about these 5 places through the *~internet~* !

If nothing goes wrong, I'll most probably be visiting Bali in September :').  I'll take lots of nice pictures of me in my bikini, so y'all can expect some Diana Cummings realness this coming September. 

I'll end off this wordy post with Rihanna's performance of Love The Way You Lie at the Radio 1's Hackney Weekend. She done slayed with this performance. 


My name is Dyan. I'm currently 19 years old.
Delusional story teller + pop culture enthusiast at heart.


I like Lady Gaga, The Drums, Crystal Castles, Lana Del Rey and Madonna.

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